Hey there. Well, I don't have much to say right now..actually that's not true....I have plenty to say I just don't feel like formulating my thoughts and typing them this evening. Actually, I can't type very well right now - my arms are kind've shaky tonight as I just returned awhile ago from working out. Yes, I was working out. Another thing to check off of my list of 'to do's'. All in all I feel pretty good...I probably won't be able to walk in the morning so I am posting tonight in case I don't get to the computer in the a.m.. Its been awhile since I've done anything quite so strenuous, but being the tenacious, formiddable, and sometimes stubborn person that I am I hung in there the entire hour (and I didn't fall on my face, drop a barbell on my toe or anything else).
I decided to post this painting tonight as it one that I've always liked. I like it for a number of reasons...as any of you who have read my blogs know I like figurative art, especially children. I also was amused at how these children posed - so typical for siblings, or at least a brother and sister. I think their poses are so sweet and revealing and not unusual for children. I loved the overall composition as well - the strong lights and shadows and architectural element. Eventhough the architecture is quite strong in this compostition, the way it is laid out and the way the lighting is directed really puts the focus on the kids who would otherwise be overwhelmed by the stronger elements.
This is an oil painting. It is not for sale as it was a commission for a couple in Decatur, IL. I hope you enjoy looking at it though. That's all for tonight.
"I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is 14 days" comedian Totie Fields
Thanks, Helen
(P.S. I still have a few paintings on e-bay 'Girl in Blue Dress', Lone Visitor, and Cupcake Heaven; You have to look under self-representing artists and then type in the title in the search field; I will post more paintings in the next couple of weeks).
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