Well, I think I might be hooked....on these fun little paintings I 've been creating lately...they are called ACEO's (art card editions and originals). They came about from ACS's (art card swaps) that started back in the 90's - actually some versions of this probably existed well before, but it has become more standardized. Maybe the cavemen and cavewomen were exchanging little stones with carvings and paintings? Anyway artists create these little paintings, collages, enhanced photos, etc...in a 2.5" x 3.5" format. I have noticed that they have become quite popular in many of the art publications I read (sometimes just read the titles and look at pic's) and on ebay. Sooooo.....I decided I needed a challenge...and they have been a challenge but a good one. I've been enjoying what I have created so far. It hasn't been good for my back or my eyes but what the heck - they're going bad anyway.
I've been dabbling with different subjects and somewhat different styles and it is kind've fun...often times it is frustrating... a small painting and the brushes don't always cooperate. I can't say that these paintings have been particularly profitable yet, yet,yet,yet...but it is all part of 'the strategy'.
If you want to do something different, than just sit down and try creating one of these...and if you are not an artist than at least take a look at them. What a great and cheap way to start an art collection for yourself or someone else (hey, great for the new graduate). They can be framed or made into magnets or set in a basket or on a dessert plate with other ACEO's or some other little treasures. Well, enjoy...and let me know if you have any questions.
These two are listed on eBay and the auctions will expire next Sunday. If you look under self-representing artists and type in the title 'There's Something in There' and/or 'View from Villa Maria' you will find them. Also, I have an 8" x 10" oil painting titled 'Delicate Beauty', please take a look. I will be adding others so check back.
"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves". Sir Edmund Hillary
Thanks and enjoy, Helen
Both are Sold
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