This little painting was started a long time ago and I just recently dug it up and decided to get back to it and 'voila', this is what I have now. It is of a field surrounding a villa where I stayed when I was in Perugia, Italy (A great place to visit by the way). Perugia is in Umbria, which is next to Tuscany - for anyone who has forgotten.
As I look at this painting I realize it could be just about anyplace. I've seen spots like this here in Illinois. When I did art fairs I was often amused how a painting that seemed to me to be very central Illinois'ish was often mistaken for other locales. I would have people from all over the county say 'that looks like where I grew up' or 'Where is that'?. Everyplace has trees and fields, etc... but I think it is the way the scene is painted, the way the feelings of my home came through and I think it is those feelings that other people can see in a painting and relate too. The subtle beauty of where we grew up stays with us. However, I really think of Italy when I look at this painting because I looked at this scene so many times when I was studying there.
I had intended to post a more patriotic image - being this is Presidents' Day. After much thought I decided I am still honoring them in my own way (even with an Italian scene) as the fact that I am able to sit here as a self-supporting artist -my choice, my pursuit of happiness, and write whatever I want to say for all the world to see (I'm still waiting on much of the world to take a look :)) - freedom of speech, and then get up from my computer and take a walk and knowing that I will be safe in doing so. We have so much for which to be thankful. On Presidents' Day I always find myself thinking of our forefathers in general. So I am not just thankful for our past leaders (the good and the 'just okay') but for all of those that did what they did so I can do what I do.
I think I will list this painting on E-bay this week, so be sure to look for it. And yes, I will donate some of the proceeds to Catholic Charities (if the painting sells). The title is 'Fields at Villa Maria', it is an 8"x10" oil on canvas.
"What you risk reveals what you value" Jeanette Winterson
Beautimous! Aren't you glad you dug it out and finished it? I am so excited you had the experience there, the painting is lovely.