Another beautiful sunny day - yea! Today I am showing a 12" x 12" oil painting on gallery wrap canvas (deeper edges with the painting wrapping around the sides) so no frame is needed. It is listed for $200.-
The title is Working Girl and that is the text that is also included in the painting. I guess that could be me - a working girl - I hope I don't look like that. Although, she is kind've striking and a fun looking gal. Enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions or interest in Working Girl. You can e-mail me. (Sorry I didn't get the photo cropped - my computer was misbehaving).
"You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm". Colette
Welcome to blogging Helen, your children are lovely and the "working girl" is stunning! Thanks for sharing you artwork and I look forward to enjoying what will posted soon. Laura