Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sunday at the Beach

I'm trying to stay on track with my painting...quite a challenge. If I just didn't have to work and pay bills, taxes, etc...Oh well.
Anyway, I was back up at Lake Michigan recently and was agian inspired to do some small paintings. I love the Lake.
It was a breezy and somewhat cool day but the sun was out and it was absolutely beautiful.
This is a 5" x 7" oil on linen panel that I was inspired to create. This little boy was with his mom and dog, and was having the best time. It was fun just watching him have a great time.
If anyone is interested in this painting just let me know.
"Happiness is reflective, like the light of Heaven."
Washington Irving
Thanks for stopping by,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mel O Cream Chocolate Glazed

Well, I am trying to get back to my painting, my 'paintings a day', as well as my blogging. These seem to be challenging tasks for me right now, but here I am...this is a start, again.

This is a lucious little chocolate glazed donut that somehow seems more impressive and important set on the fine china (Richelieu, sp???). It is a simple little morsel that is elevated by its presentation (not unlike people ??). This is an oil on canvas, 4" X 6", if you are interested in it let me know.

I'm going to wrap it up now.

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can". Arthur Ashe, athlete

Thanks for stopping by,
