Yes, this was done within a day...'a painting a day'. Even if I don't have time to finish a small painting a day I do try to do at least a bit of painting daily. Sometime it doesn't happen. This is a little ginger jar I love and use occassionally for paintings although I don't paint many still lifes. I'm not sure why as I do enjoy them when I do pursue them...well, I'll save that one for another post.
I had a professor in college that required us to keep a sketch book/journal that we were to draw, paint, doodle, write in daily. That was one of our requirements for the class. She emphasized how important it was to the development of our skills, ideas and discipline. It could really be a chore, and since that time I have not been very good about keeping a sketch diary, however, my work as a full time decorative artist has, I believe, helped my art overall in a similar way. No, it is not the same as the sketch journal but it has forced me to exercise my varied artistic skills and creativity on a regular basis - even some of the less interesting projects that I have tackled. This too, I will discuss further in another post... so, stay tuned and check back again.
This is an 8" x 10" oil that is available for purchase. Please email me if you are interested (
rtist6162@aol.com). I had to improvise on the flowers as the ones I have dried up from when I picked them last year...yes, they have been in that ginger jar for awhile. I'll have more again soon - spring flowers are blooming and trees are budding. Yea!
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival". C.S.Lewis, writer
Have a good day, Helen